Shan Jun

Profile of Shan Jun

Department of Computer Science, Associate Professor


  • Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
    Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), 2009
  • B.S. in Computer Science
    Peking University (PKU), 2003

Research and Teaching Fields

  • Supply Chain Management
  • Operations Management
  • Business Analytics

Academic Experience

  • Associate Professor
    Hong Kong Chu Hai College, Dept. of Computer Science
  • Associate Professor
    Jinan University, School of Management
  • Assistant Professor
    Nankai University, Business School
  • Lecturer (Part-time)
    Chinese University of Hong Kong, Dept. of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics (MSc in Business Analytics)


Journal Papers

  1. “Institutional Investors’ Corporate Site Visits and Firms’ Sustainable Development”
    Yize Hu, Peixun Zhan, Jun Shan. Sustainability, 12(17), 2020.
  2. “Supplier-Based Concentration and Inventory Efficiency”
    Yize Hu, Jun Shan. International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, 13(4), 95-113, 2020.
  3. “Service Channel Choice for Supply Chain: Who is Better Off by Undertaking the Service?”
    Xiang Li, Yongjian Li, Xiaoqiang Cai, Jun Shan. Production and Operations Management, 25(3), 516-534, 2016.
  4. “Regional Container Port Competition in a Dual Gateway-Port System”
    Mingzhu Yu, Lijun Ma, Jun Shan. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 2015(10), 1-24, 2015.
  5. “Does Position of a Syndication Impact Investment Performance? An Empirical Evidence Based on Venture Capital”
    Jin Zhang, Ling Zhou, Jun Shan. Management Review (press in Chinese), 26(12), 160-169, 2014.
  6. “The Multi-Dimensional Game about Cooperation and Competition in the Regional Port System”
    Mingzhu Yu, Jun Shan. Operations Research and Management Science (press in Chinese), 23(5), 93-100, 2014.
  7. “An Empirical Investigation of the Seaport’s Economic Impact: Evidence from Major Ports in China”
    Mingzhu Yu, Chung-Yee Lee, Jun Shan. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 69(9), 41-53, 2014.
  8. “An Empirical Study of the Bullwhip Effect in China”
    Shitao Yang, Shilei Yang, Jin Zhang, Jun Shan. Production and Operations Management, 23(4), 302-313, 2014.
  9. “An Empirical Study on the Tunneling Behavior of Controlling Stockholders in Listed Companies”
    Xia Dong, Jun Shan. Journal of Management (press in Chinese), 26(6), 37-42, 2013.
  10. “On Advertising Games and Spillover in Service Systems”
    Lei Xu, Zhigang Wang, Yanzhi Wang, Jun Shan. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, 1-8.
  11. “Location Strategies of Multinational Banking under Risk and Asymmetric Information”
    Jin Zhang, Susheng Wang, Jun Shan. Nankai Business Review International, 4(2), 130-146, 2013.
  12. “Inventory Management in China: An Empirical Study”
    Kaijie Zhu, Jun Shan. Production and Operations Management, 22(2), 302-313, 2013.

Conference Papers

  1. “A Hotelling Model Approach to Container Port Competition”
    Mingzhu Yu, Jun Shan. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM’13), 253-258, 2013.
  2. “A Game Theory Analysis of Pricing Strategies in China’s Economy Hotel Industry”
    Jin Zhang, Jun Shan. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM’11), 671-675, 2011.
  3. “An Analytical Quantification of Product Design Outsourcing in Supply Chain Management”
    Proceedings of INFORMS International Conference in Service Science (ICSS09), 2009.

Working Papers

  • “Production and Design Outsourcing in Supply Chain Management” (with Lingxiu Dong and Kaijie Zhu) – Revise and Resubmit.
  • “An Empirical Exploration on the Strategic Importance of the Inventory Performance” (with Jia Liu and Kaijie Zhu) – To be submitted.
  • “Spatial Spillover Effect of Ports: Spatial Analysis Based on Panel Data in China” (with Shibin Chen) – Paper in preparation.
  • “Inventory Management and FDI Spillovers: Empirical Evidence from China” (with Xufei Ma) – Paper in preparation.

Teaching Experience

  • Jinan University
    • Data, Model and Decision (International MBA and MBA)
    • Warehouse and Inventory Management (Undergraduate)
    • Operations Research (Undergraduate)
    • Introduction to Data Science (Undergraduate)
  • Chinese University of Hong Kong
    • Web Analytics and Intelligence (MSc in Business Analytics)
    • Business Process Analysis and Simulation (MSc in Business Analytics)
  • Hong Kong Chu Hai College
    • Big Data Analysis
    • Introduction to Information System
    • Algorithms and Complexity
  • Sun Yat-sen University
    • Data, Model and Decision (International MBA)
  • Nankai University
    • Decision Theory and Methods (MSc)
    • Quality Management and Control (ME)
    • Micro-computer Principle and Programming (Undergraduate)
    • English for Information Management Major (Undergraduate)
    • Innovation Study and Training (Undergraduate)

Research Grants

  • “The Relationship between Financial Performance and Inventory Performance in Listed Companies,” PI, supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Project No. 15JNQM028, 2015-2018.
  • “Design Outsourcing of a Product Line in Supply Chain Management,” PI, supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Project No. 71102048, 2012-2014.
  • “An Empirical Study of Inventory in China’s Listed Companies,” PI, supported by the Humanities and Social Science Research Funds of Ministry of Education of China, Project No. 10YJC630200, 2011-2013.
  • “The Impact of Inventory Management on Firms’ Financial Performance,” PI, supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Project No. NKZXB10087, 2010-2012.
  • “Incentive and Risk Control in SaaS-based IT Service Supply Chain,” Co-PI, supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Project No. 71172072, 2012-2015.
  • “Financial Intermediation Development and Economic Growth,” Co-PI, supported by The Humanities and Social Science Research Funds of Ministry of Education of China, Project No. 11YJC790271, 2012-2014.

Professional Activities


  • Member, Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)


  • Production and Operations Management (POM)
  • Journal of Operational Management (JOM)
  • International Journal of Production Economics (IJPE)
  • International Journal of Production Research (IJPR)
  • Management Review
  • Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (Co-editor)

Service and Industry Experience

  • Secretary-general, Organizing Committee of the 2013 Conference on Stochastic Service and Operations Management (Tianjin, China)
  • Member, Organizing Committee of the 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management
  • Member, AACSB Accreditation Committee of Business School, Nankai University

Honors, Awards, & Fellowships

  • Outstanding Humanities and Social Sciences Research Award, The Government of Guangdong Province, First Place, 2017.
  • Outstanding Academic Contribution Award, [Details to be added].