
Virtual Reality Teaching Laboratory

The imseCAVE is a fully immersive and interactive visualization system that provides extremely vivid stereoscopic views of sceneries in 3-D designed and developed by the research team in the Department. The system is developed based on the technologies of distributed and interactive virtual reality, with real-time motion capture capability.

There are different parties who will use our system, including the department of Architecture, department of Civil Engineering and the department of Computer Science. Meeting are held between our research team and the departments in order to get the system requirement from the users. We mainly provide VR scenes(both training or gaming scene) as an auxiliary tools for the professors in lessons, and we also helped students for presenting projects on particular courses. Except from providing VR scene for other department, our system can also project 360 videos, we are looking forward to cooperating with other faculties to further develop on this function.




Date Organization Number of peole
24/2/2023 HKCAAVQ M.Arch Revalidation visit 6
1/3/2023 陳氏宗鄉總會 8
15/3/2023 The American University in London 10
12/4/2023 教育部港澳台辦公室 10
21/4/2023 Tai Wan Visitor 15
25/4/2023 港僑界社團聯會 25
9/5/2023 廣州工商學院 9
11/5/2023 動漫artists 10
25/5/2023 北京師範大學-香港浸會大學聯合國際學院 8
29/5/2023 ISCTE Business School 6
30/5/2023 Bank of China 15
2/6/2023 大灣區教育融合發展智庫團 15
5/6/2023 香港教育工作者工會 20
8/6/2023 廣東財經大學代表團 15
6/7/2023 黃楚標中學 65
27/7/2023 Taiwan Affairs Office of Beijing Municipal People’s Governmentl北京市台辦 13
27/7/2023 超藝理想文化學會-陳復生會 9
24/8/2023 香港資助小學校長會 & 唐山一中教育集團英華高級中學 30
15/9/2023 上海代表團 10
21/9/2023 HKCAAVQ-panel visit(M.A. Cultural Heritage Programme) 7
12/10/2023 靈糧堂劉梅軒中學 40
23/11/2023 順德聯誼總會梁銶琚中學 20
14/12/2023 揚州大學文學院 40
24/1/2024 江苏州Undergraduate Study Tour Group 36
26/1/2024 江苏州Undergraduate Study Tour Group 36
1/2/2024 江苏州Undergraduate Study Tour Group 36
1/3/2024 EDB & HKCAAVQ-CSPE Visit 15
6/4/2024 天水圍循道衛理中學 15
11/4/2024 青苗國際雙語學校 15
17/4/2024 黑龍江省私立大學教師團 40