(Nov 2019) Basic Virtual Reality Workshop 8-11-2019
VR Software Demonstration
Speaker: Mr. C.H.Kay (Senior Lecturer, CS dept.)
Demonstrator: Mr. Patrick Tung (VR Lab System Engineer), Mr. Andrew Lam (VR Lab Multi-media Designer)
(Jun 2020) Integrated Work Study Induction Talk
Date: 15-6-2020
Speaker : Mr. C.H.Kay (Senior Lecturer, CS dept.)
Content: Selection process for internship positions
Interview arrangement and Advisors meetings
Assessment of the internship programme
CS Elective courses for the internship
(Jun 2020) Integrated Work Study (IWS) Pre-placement Training and Zoom Mock Interview
Speaker: Mr. Antony Ip (SAO) and Ms. Wimbe WONG.
Date: 15-6-2020
Content: Mock Internship interview, Job ethics, job interview skills, CV preparation, Career development planning.