
20 posts

On January 20, 2024, the Head of Computer Science, Prof. Lo, was honored with an invitation from the CSTCB (Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau) of the Hong Kong Police Force. He was appointed as a Honorary Judge for the Greater Bay Area Youth Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity Challenge. In this prestigious role, Prof. Lo […]

The Students Consultation Meeting provided an opportunity for students to seek guidance from their mentor regarding their education and make decisions about adding or dropping subjects for the upcoming semester. During the meeting, the mentor offered valuable advice and assistance to students, helping them navigate their academic journey effectively. Students […]

Representatives from our college, including a senior lecturer from the Department of Computer Science and an Associate Professor from the Department of Chinese Literature, joined forces to introduce our college and departments to Mainland high school students during a recruitment promotion event. The focus was on highlighting the high-quality education, […]