“Gum AI” project team attended Reception for I&T Awards 2024

Eventsby webupdateCscby 2024-07-22

(07-16,2024) The collaborative research team from Hong Kong Chu Hai College (HKCHC) and the University of Hong Kong (HKU), who won the Gold Medal at the 49th Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions attended the Reception for I&T Awards 2024 on July 15, 2024 at Central Government Complex of HKSAR.

The reception was organized by Innovation and Technology Commission in recognition of the outstanding research and development (R&D) achievements of Hong Kong’s talent in the field of innovation and technology (I&T) on the Mainland and overseas in the past year.

More than 300 representatives from academics, scientists, and representatives of institutes and government departments in the local I&T sector gathered at the reception to showcase Hong Kong’s outstanding innovation and technology achievements and share experiences in R&D breakthroughs.

The Gum AI team will continue to contribute to oral health technology!

• The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Press release “Hong Kong R&D achievements shine at international I&T arena”

• Cable TV interview “智創未來|大學伙慈善機構提供牙科外展 以AI助檢查牙齒、設計假牙”

• “Gum AI” empowered “Smart Toothbrush” won the Gold Medal at the 49th Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions

• “Gum AI” was fully supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project No. UGC/FDS13/E01/22)

More about the project


The Gum AI research team representative Dr. Richard Tai-Chiu Hsung and Dr. Walter Lam attended the Reception for I&T Awards 2024. (From the HKSAR government press release)

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