Successful Recruitment Promotion and Immediate Admissions at Cotton Spinners Association Secondary School


(July, 2023)

Visit to Cotton Spinners Association Secondary School in Kwai Chung focused on recruitment promotion activities and promoting Immediate Admissions. Led by our Department Head, Prof. Lo Wai Lun, and Mr. Ken Kay, a Senior Lecturer in the department, the visit coincided with the release of HKDSE results, on-site interviews, and on-site admissions.

During the visit, Prof. Lo and Mr. Ken Kay showcased the college’s facilities, including the state-of-the-art equipment like the VR Lab and Apple Mac computer teaching room. They emphasized the importance of these resources in providing a conducive learning environment. Detailed information about the various programmes offered by the Department of Computer Science was provided, highlighting their unique features and benefits.

The visit coincided with on-site interviews and admissions, allowing students to have on-the-spot interviews and receive immediate admissions. This initiative provided convenience and efficiency, enabling prompt feedback on applications and securing admissions to HKCHC.

The visit to Cotton Spinners Association Secondary School also aimed to foster relationships and collaborations with secondary schools. By engaging with the school administration, teachers, and students, we sought to establish a long-term partnership that facilitates information sharing, joint activities, and further recruitment opportunities.