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(Apr 2017) IDS Workshop to students and academic staff – “Deep Learning and Recursive Neural Networks” 21 Apr 2017
The CS department organized a Workshop on the topics “Deep Learning and Recursive Neural Networks” on 21 Apr 2017. This seminar was opened to all the undergraduate students, academic and research staff of the local institutions. The objectives of this workshop is to brings together academic scientists and IT professionals to exchange and share experiences and research outcomes in Deep learning and Neural Network.

  1. Prof. Franco SCARSELLI, Professor, Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics, University of Siena, ITALY (Topics: Introduction to Deep Learning & Its Design Issues)
  2. Mr. Pascal Zhang, Research Assistant, Department of Computer Science, Chu Hai College of Higher Education (Topics: A Complementary Framework for Object Tracking)
  3. Dr. Markus Hagenbuchner, Associate Professor, School of Computing and Information Sciences, University of Wollongong (Topics : Alternative to Deep Learning – Recurrsive Neural Network)
  4. Prof. Francis CHIN Yuk Lun (FIEEE), Chair Professor, Head, Department of Computing, School of Humanities and Social Science, Hang Seng Management College (Topics : Machine Translation)
  5. Prof. TSOI Ah Chung, Adjunct Professor, School of Computing and Information Sciences, University of Wollongong (Topics : Recursive Convolutional Neural Network & Other Learning Models)

The audiences included undergraduate students, research and academic staff of local institutions. The number of attendance for the workshop was about 25. This seminar was fully supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project No. UGC/IDS13/14). (PI: PROF CHANG CHUNG-NAN, CHU HAI COLLEGE OF HIGHER EDUCATION, 36 MONTHS.